Tranparency is important to us. That's why we joined the Initiative Transparency International Deutschland e.V.. We commit to provide the following ten pieces of information to the public and keep them up-to-date.
- 1. Name, domicile, address and year of foundation
- Name: zis Stiftung für Studienreisen
- Domicile: Salem
- Address: c/o Schule Schloss Salem
Spetzgart 1
88662 Überlingen - Responsible contact person: Judith Feeser, info(at)
- Year of foundation: Year of foundation of the Organisation 1956, Foundation in the current legal form as Foundation in 2002
- 2. Full statutes and information about the goals of our organization
- Statute of the zis Stiftung für Studienreisen (DE)
- The basic idea and the offer of the zis scholarship program aim at encouraging young people regardless of gender, nationality, religion, education or material living conditions to study topics and regions that are new to them, to implement their own goals and to set themselves goals to prove it.
- This provides an incentive for adolescents to undertake a venture that requires initiative, self-reliance, diligence, perseverance, empathy, to discover themselve and humanity, as well as practice it.
- It is important that a large number of zis alumni remain connected to the zis idea and its realization. So they are involved in selection, mentoring and jury, as well as in advertising and public relations. They convey their experiences and experiences to new generations of travelers. In return, they get an insight into the view of young zis travelers to the world and get to know the mentoring as an educational challenge.
- 3. Information on tax shelter
Because of the promotion of education, promotion of education and vocational training and student assistance and according to the notice of exemption respectively according to the attachment to the corporate tax assessment of the tax office Überlingen, StNr. 87081/07626 from 24.02.2022 for the last assessment period 2018 to 2020 according to § 5 para. 1 no. 9 of the Corporation Tax Act our work is exempted from corporation tax and according to § 3 no. 6 of the Gewerbesteuergesetz (German Business Tax Act) from trade tax.
- 4. Name and function of key decision makers
Board of directors:
- Rüdiger Freiherr von Fritsch, 1. Chairman
- Dr. Nina Stoffers, 2. Chairman
- Regina Schütt, Head of the jury
- Dominic Schaffner, Treasurer
- Fabian Hennig, Secretary
- Angelika Reuter, 1. Assessor
- Gregor Bös, 2. Assessor
Foundation board:
- Prof. Dr. Petra Denk
- Nina Haverkamp
- Michel Larguier
- Rainer Linke
- Dr. Ruprecht Poensgen
- Dr. Martin Prager
Head of the office:
- Judith Feeser
- 5. Activity Report
Annual Report 21/22 (DE)
- 6. Personnel Structure
- 7. Information on source of funds and 8. information on the use of funds
Source of funds
7.1 Foundation assets
The zis Stiftung für Studienreisen has a foundation capital of € 390.000. This amount is invested 50% in bonds and 50% in a sustainable asset management mandate of Bethmannbank as well as a silent partnership in the amount of 20,000 €. The resulting income (in 2022: 20.500 €) and potential donations to this foundation (in 2022: 0 €) will be used in accordance with the purpose of the foundation.
In addition, the Friedrich Karl Klausing Foundation has endowment assets of € 1.070.000 (2022) in a sustainable asset management mandate of Bethmannbank. The resulting income (in 2021: € 8.000) and any donations to this foundation (in 2021: € 0) will also go to the zis Srtiftung for use of funds according to the purpose of the foundation.7.2 Contributions from institutional donors
Each year, the zis Stiftung für Studienreisen receives donations from several foundations that have a similar foundation purpose as zis. In 2022, these included: Silvius and Esther Dornier Foundation for Gifted Children (10.000 €), Amanda Erich Hansjürgen Neumayer Foundation (13.500 €).7.3 Donations from private donors
On the one hand, zis receives annual donations from members of its circle of friends, as well as grants from other private individuals in variable amounts (in 2022: 19.297 €).7.4 Reserves from previous years
zis uses the funds carried forward from previous years to balance the budget; in 2022, these were €21,433.8. use of funds
This table shows the use of funds and origin (DE).
In 2022, 74% of the funds went to non-profit expenses, which means the support of the scholarship holders as well as the travel scholarships. This includes the three regular meetings (jury meeting in March, scholarship meeting in May, and fall meeting to further develop the concept). 24% is the administrative expense which mainly includes proportional personnel costs for the office as well as expenses for online advertising and the website.Detailed income and expenses and balance sheet (DE).
- 9. Corporate affiliation with third parties
- Friedrich Karl Klausing Foundation: There is an independent sub-foundation of the zis Stiftung für Studienreisen, the Friedrich Karl Klausig Foundation. The Friedrich Klausing Foundation is managed by the zis Stiftung für Studienreisen and is represented by the latter in legal and business transactions. The proceeds will go in full to the scholarships of the zis Stiftung für Studienreisen.
- Further sponsors and partners can be found under "Cooperations & Partners" and "Sponsors" (on the german page only).
- 10. Names of legal persons whose annual payments account for more than 10% of the total annual budget